CTPLO provides professional interpretations on search, application, monitor, opposition and litigations of trademark, patent and copyright in China, as well as the latest news on related topics.

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Why should I monitor trademark applications?

Trademark owners are responsible for enforcing their own trademark rights, including the monitoring of others' use of marks that are similar to their own. The China Trademark Office (CTMO) is responsible only for assessing applications and registering marks. And when the China Trademark Office (CTMO) reviews other trademark applications, they may approve a mark that you believe is similar to your own. Monitoring your trademark gives you an opportunity to dispute the registration of another mark.

Older post: What if I don't have a registered trademark? What can happen?
Newer post: What if your trademark application is refused in China?

Have a question about trademarking?

Protect your business name, logo or slogan. Our services include:

  • A comprehensive search of all trademark databases
  • Preparation and filing of your trademark
  • Ongoing protection of your trademark from abuse
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