Trademark Analysis

Let’s protect your brand by trademarker analysis.


Owner Information


Trademark Information

Upload your received notice of the rejection of the Chinese Trademark Office scan(Such as the number of pages more compressed into a file or placed in a PDF upload.);
You may also send a scanned copy of the rejection notice received from the China Trademark Office to:
Our analysis includes:
Separate application for trademark in China rejected trademark application;
Through the Madrid international registration of designated Chinese trademark applications rejected.

1. Analyze the Reason of Refusal

Study on the articles of laws in the Refusal Notice and analysis its rationality.

2. Cited Marks

Compare your mark with the cited mark and analysis the differences for overcoming the refusal.

3. Advice and Suggestions

Provide advice and suggestions on the basis of the Notice of Refusal.

4. Guide

Step to step guide for gaining the trademark final registration.