China Trademark Analysis
Trademark Analysis is one of the most important services that CTPLO offers, its goal is to avoid misjudgment when you reacting to trademark matters.
Trademark Analysis is made by CTPLO’s trademark attorneys, the analysis service includes:
Analysis for rejection – $150*
- The analysis for the reason of rejection.
- The investigation of the background of the cited marks.
- The advise on how to overcome the prior trademark rights.
- The opinion on whether it is necessary to apply for the rejection review.
Analysis for opposition application & opposition response – $150*
- The analysis for the reason of opposition.
- The validity & effectiveness analysis on the proofs provided in opposition.
- The opinion on the succes rato of the opposition application or response.
- The investigation of the background of the opposer or opposee.
Analysis for squatted registration – $150*
- The investigation of the background of the squatter.
- The analysis for other squatted trademarks that the squatter registered.
- The advise on how to cancel the squatted mark.
Analysis on Competitor’s Trademark – $385*
- The analysis on the flaws of competitor’s trademark.
- The advise on how to cancel the competitor’s mark.