Patent Search and Analytics

Our Search & Analytics team study a collection of technical documents including patents, science papers and dissertations, catalogs and industry standards. Our experienced specialists perform technical analysis on prior arts beyond just searching for ideal information. The Search & Analytics team supports a variety of clients including R&D corporations, law firms as well as investment organizations.

We subscribe world elite databases to cover commercial/financial data, IP data, technology materials, science periodic, conference record and manuals of products/industry standards. We have full access to databases of China Patent Information Center in Beijing as well as commercial databases like MineSoft Patbase or Questel Orbit. We also have rich experience in using non patent resources around the world such as CNKI of China, 3GPP, Pubmed of NIH or Elsevier. When required, we can further perform paper-based library search in CAS libraries as well as public libraries in Beijing, Shanghai or Tokyo.

Our analysts’ expertise covers chemistry/biology, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. The majority of our analysts have advanced degrees in science or engineering area. Some of them also have law degrees. Many of our analysts are China Bar qualified or passed the China Patent bar. They either were former examiners or have research experience in large corporations. The dual experience in technology and law enables our analysts to go one step beyond search work by providing analytical opinions from technical perspective.

nglish and Chinese are our prior working language when performing search and analytics. We have comprehensive methodology to maximize search scope. In some circumstances, we will also recommend to use other languages such as Japanese or Korean. English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean are all our working languages and we are able to deliver analytics results in all four languages.

We believe every search need is identical and will choose the best databases and the most appropriate analyst for each project to ensure the best quality work.

Why people are choosing CTPLO?

  • We conduct thousands of projects including patentability, invalidity and FTO each year.
  • English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean are all our working languages.
  • World elite analysts team with experience in both technology and law, knowledgeable in all major databases.
  • We have leading training program to educate new analysts and continuous training plan for the entire team.
  • Our strict quality control procedure ensures highly professional search and analytics reports.
  • Our database specialist collects updates of major global databases on a weekly basis which is added to our continuous training plan.
  • Our concise analytics report compares key technical features with analysts’insightful comments to save the clients from reading large volume of original full texts.

Service Summary

Patentability Analysis

Our patentability analysis tests whether an idea is novel or guides the drafting of prosecution documents. We search and analyze all the publicly known technology and deliver a comparison between the client’s invention against prior art. Our client will have a quick thumbs up or down decision easily by reading our report. When used for application draft, such report helps to maximize the claimed scope while avoiding existing art at the same time.

Invalidity Analysis

Invalidity analysis supports evaluation of IP assets before potential licensing discussions. Such report is also critical in reexamination process. In invalidity analysis, our analysts performs exhaustive search and analysis work in relevant areas on the basis of a thorough understanding of target claims as well as the full prosecution process. We study the file history intensively to avoid repeating the examiner’s work. We will further suggest search in other languages or specified databases based on client’s budget and requirement.

FTO Analysis

FTO analysis forecasts potential infringement risks while a product is introduced into new markets or simply goes on exhibition in a foreign country. The client needs to explain the product features in detail during scoping and we will analyze the claims of patents in the target countries or regions. We are able to perform FTO in English as well as other working languages. We will suggest whether or not to include dead patents into the analysis so that the client can know whether the art is already in public era.

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