The registered trademark has the validity of 10 years from the registration date in China. The trademark owner can request to renew the mark within 1 year before the expiration date. If the mark is not renewed in time, the trademark can still be renewed in the grace period of 6 months after the expiration date. If the trademark is still not renewed in the grace period, it will be canceled by the China Trademark Office, irreversibly.
Requirements for trademark renewal in China:
- The scan copy of trademark owner's identity certificate. Individual requires the personal, while the company requires the company certificate/business license;
- A scan copy of the trademark registration certificate;
- Official fee for the trademark renewal.
Renewal fee: $539 (including official fee $160)
Renewal is filed within 1 year before the expiration date.
Extra fee in grace period: $105 (including official fee $40)
Renewal is filed within 6 months after the expiration date.
You've worked hard to build a brand for your business. Protect it.
A registered trademark greatly expands the legal protections for your brand.
Start my trademark applicationPricing starts at $395 + CTMO official fees