CTPLO provides professional interpretations on search, application, monitor, opposition and litigations of trademark, patent and copyright in China, as well as the latest news on related topics.

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Category: News

China Trademark Office Announces to Simplify Trademark Applications, Optimize Procedures and Shorten Examination Period

The number of trademark applications in China has been increased rapidly in recent years, and in 2017 the number exceeded 5 million. To bring more convenience to trademark applicants, CTMO has decided to further simplify application materials, optimi[…]Read full blog

China Trademark Registration Examination Period Will be Shortened to Six Months before End of 2018

January 22, 2018. Mr. LIU Junchen, vice president of State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the PRC (short as SAIC), stated in the conference that, in 2017, a number of 5.74 millions trademark applications were filed, increased by 55.7% as[…]Read full blog
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